Money Mindfulness? 5 Ways Meditation Can Help Your Finances

By Miranda Marquit

Whenever you read stories of successful (and often wealthy!) people, among the tales of getting up at 5 a.m., you also run into meditation practice.

Many successful people practice some form of mindfulness — and that usually means meditation. Numerous scientific studies tout the benefits of meditation.

You might even be surprised to discover that money mindfulness is a Thing. If you’re trying to figure out how to improve your finances, here are some ways that meditation might actually help you:

1. Combat Financial Stress

One of the biggest stressors in people’s lives is money. Meditation can help you combat stress and anxiety — including the stress related to money.

If you find yourself getting worked up about your situation, a little money mindfulness can help. Take a few deep breaths, and meditate for a little bit. After a little bit, your financial problems will seem more manageable.

Once you’ve calmed down a bit, you can approach your financial issues with a little more clarity.

2. Better Decision-Making

Meditation can help you clear your mind and make better decisions.

We’ve all made poor decisions with our money. Usually, these decisions happen during times of mental and physical stress. Additionally, you might be tired or otherwise compromised when making financial choices.

Regular meditation practice can help you make better decisions in the long run. This includes money decisions. Practicing money mindfulness and being in the habit of meditation can help you make better financial decisions that will benefit your bank account.

3. Self-Awareness

I find that one of the biggest reasons people make mistakes with their money is because they aren’t truly aware of where it goes.

Mindless consumerism is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to your financial issues.

I know. I’ve been there.

I used to spend money on things that didn’t really matter to me. I’d make a seemingly-small purchase without thinking about what it meant or whether it mattered.

After a while, though, those purchases added up. Pretty soon, I realized I was surrounded by things I didn’t really care about — and I couldn’t afford to do the things that really mattered to me.

Meditation helps you practice self-awareness. Once you become aware of your spending and how your financial choices and priorities impact you, it’s easier to make changes.

A little meditation can help you become more self-aware, and as that happens, you can set clearer financial priorities that align with your values.

4. Better Concentration

Whether you’re trying to improve your career, or whether you’re starting a business, better concentration can be a big help.

Thankfully, meditation can help in this area.

A regular meditation practice can help you focus better on what matters.

If you want a promotion, better concentration can help you create a plan — and set meaningful goals. Pretty soon, your work will reflect your increased focus. After that, it’s a short step to getting that promotion.

The same is true of starting a business. Better concentration means better efforts to grow your business. Plus, meditation helps you think clearly about next steps. Use that to your advantage with your startup.

5. Increased Happiness

Can increased happiness really help your finances?


Money mindfulness and increased happiness leads to contentment. And contentment means less pointless spending.

Shopping therapy is a real thing. Many of us at some point have tried to drown our sorrows with spending. I know I have.

But with the help of meditation, you can increase happiness. Research indicates that regular meditation practice makes a difference in your mood. So, if you want to stop being an emotional spending, consider meditation.

Start Money Mindfulness Today

You don’t have to focus on money during your meditation practice to see good results — although that can help.

In reality, you can see good results with your money just by enjoying the by-products of a consistent meditation practice.

With increased rest, serenity, and clarity of thought, your choices and actions are more likely to benefit your pocketbook.

And you don’t need to worry about trying to meditate for a long period of time. There are plenty of ways for a beginner to get started without over-extending their abilities.

Consider starting with a five-minute guided meditation. This is a short period of time, and you might be surprised at the results. As your mindfulness practice improves, you might change things up.

No matter what you do, though, the important thing is consistency. Start a meditation practice aimed at money mindfulness, and see how it improves your life — and your budget.